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Type O & OA Diaphragm

Type OA Diaphragm

General Description

Type O

This type of diaphragm has no flange. An O-ring is moulded to the bottom of the sidewall. Unlike the other types of diaphragms, the Type O is put into convolution by folding the sidewall back onto itself. The bead is then squeezed into a groove machined into the bonnet half of the hardware. This type enables the greatest reduction in hardware diameter, while keeping a full stroke potential.


Type OA

This diaphragm type is second generation to the Type O. It fits into identical hardware. It differs from the Type O in that its sidewall attaches to the inside diameter of the O-ring and the fabric is on the outside, requiring the head corner radius to be inverted for installation. The Type OA tends to be easier to install but basically the difference is a personal preference.

Type OA Diaphragm
  • Type O & OA Diaphragm





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